Major Symposia
Sunday, May 4 | 7:00 – 10:30 | Ballroom B
Major Symposium A
FoxP3+ Expressing Regulatory T Cells: Twenty-plus Years After
- Alexander Rudensky, HHMI, Mem. Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr., Sloan Kettering Inst., USA
- Shimon Sakaguchi, iFReC, WPI, Osaka Univ., JPN
- Megan K. Levings, Univ. of British Columbia, CAN, Tolerance induction with engineered Tregs
- Dan Littman, HHMI, NYU Grossman Sch. of Med., USA, Antigen presentation in the programming of intestinal T cells
- Alexander Rudensky, HHMI, Mem. Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr., Sloan Kettering Inst., USA, Genetic mechanisms of regulatory T cell differentiation and function
- Shimon Sakaguchi, iFRec, WPI, Osaka Univ., JPN, Induction of regulatory T cells for immune tolerance
- Lucy Walker, Univ. Col. London, GBR, CTLA-4 mediated control of autoimmunity
Sunday, May 4 | 7:00 – 10:30 | Ballroom C
Major Symposium B
Systems Immunology and AI: Transforming Data into Predictive Immunological Insights
- Catherine Blish, Stanford Univ., USA
- John Tsang, Yale Univ., USA
- Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, NCI, NIH, USA, Navigating the high-dimensional space of cancer immunotherapies
- Catherine Blish, Stanford Univ., USA, Mapping cell-cell communication networks to understand host-pathogen interactions
- Sophia Liu, Ragon Inst. of MGH, MIT, and Harvard, USA, Evolution of adaptive immunity in tissues over time
- John Tsang, Yale Univ., USA, Using systems immunology to characterize vaccine response
- Alexandra-Chloe Villani, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp.; Harvard Med. Sch., Broad Inst. of MIT & Harvard, USA, Learning the rules of human immune tolerance through the lenses of single-cell genomics
Monday, May 5 | 7:00 – 10:30 | Ballroom B
Major Symposium C
Emerging Discoveries at Brain-Immune Interfaces
- Dorian McGavern, NINDS, NIH, USA
- Anna Victoria Molofsky, UCSF, USA
- Gloria Choi, MIT, USA, Neuroimmune interactions shaping social behavior
- Gou Young Koh, Inst. for Basic Sci., KOR, Exploring meningeal lymphatics and their connections for brain clearance and immunosurveillance
- Dorian McGavern, NINDS, NIH, USA, Immunological defense of dynamic vascular barriers in the meninges
- Anna Victoria Molofsky, UCSF, USA, Cytokine regulation of brain development
- Christoph Thaiss, Arc Inst.; Stanford Univ., USA, Environment-body-brain interactions
Monday, May 5 | 7:00 – 10:30 | Ballroom C
Major Symposium D
Memory and Effector B Cells in Health and Disease
- F. Eun-Hung Lee, Emory Univ. Sch. of Med., USA
- Eric Meffre, Stanford Univ., USA
- F. Eun-Hung Lee, Emory Univ. Sch. of Med., USA, Understanding the complexity of human plasma cells
- Eric Meffre, Stanford Univ., USA, B cell tolerance
- Michel Nussenzweig, HHMI, Rockefeller Univ., USA, Plasma cell proliferation and antibody affinity maturation
- Jean-Claude Weill, Inst. Necker-Enfants Malades, FRA, Human memory B cells: the mystery of their longevity
- Julie Zikherman, UCSF, USA, Balancing tolerance and immunity at the BCR
Tuesday, May 6 | 7:00 – 10:30 | Ballroom B
Major Symposium E
Evolving Immunologic Concepts Linking Infection and Autoimmunity
- Judith James, Oklahoma Med. Res. Fndn., USA
- Wei Jiang, Med. Univ. of South Carolina, USA
- Hisashi Arase, iFReC, Osaka Univ., JPN, Self and neoself discrimination by T cells in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases
- Judith James, Oklahoma Med. Res. Fndn., USA, Functional and molecular mimics link Epstein-Barr virus and lupus autoimmunity
- Wei Jiang, Med. Univ. of South Carolina, USA, Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan (PGN) induces pathogenic autoantibody production via autoreactive B cell receptor clonal selection, implications in systemic lupus erythematosus
- Martin Kriegel, Univ. of Münster, DEU, Gut commensal translocation in extraintestinal autoimmunity
- James J. Moon, Massachusetts Gen. Hosp.; Harvard Med. Sch., USA, T cell epitope spreading from microbial to autoantigens
Tuesday, May 6 | 7:00 – 10:30 | Ballroom C
Major Symposium F
Innate Immunity: Initiation and Regulation
- Greg Barton, HHMI, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
- Dan Stetson, Univ. of Washington, USA
- Diana C. Hargreaves, Salk Inst. for Bio. Sts., USA, BAF complexes and tumor immunity
- Lingyin Li, Arc Inst.; Stanford Univ., USA, The immunotransmitter cGAMP in cancer and autoimmunity
- Pingwei Li, Texas A&M Univ., USA, The molecular basis of DNA sensing through the cGAS-STING pathway
- Kensuke Miyake, Chiba Univ., JPN, Toll-like receptor responses to lysosomal nucleic acid stress
- Dan Stetson, Univ. of Washington, USA, The cGAS-STING pathway as a therapeutic target
Wednesday, May 7 | 7:00 – 10:30 | Ballroom B
Major Symposium G
Lymphatic Immunophysiology
- Gwendalyn J. Randolph, Washington Univ. Sch. of Med., St. Louis, USA
- Melody Swartz, Univ. of Chicago, USA
- Sandro Da Mesquita, Mayo Clin., Florida, USA, Modulation of brain physiology and pathology by the meningeal lymphatic system
- Gwendalyn J. Randolph, Washington Univ. Sch. of Med., St. Louis, USA, Intestinal lymphatics and lymphoid tissue in gut immunophysiology
- Susan R. Schwab, New York Univ. Grossman Sch. of Med., USA, Far from home: T cell migration through non-lymphoid tissues
- Eric Hoyeon Song, Yale Univ., USA, Targeted lymphatic stimulation without angiogenic toxicities
- Melody Swartz, Univ. of Chicago, USA, Lymphatic clotting and its effects on adaptive immune responses
Wednesday, May 7 | 7:00 – 10:30 | Ballroom C
Major Symposium H
T Cell Differentiation in Cancer
- Ana C. Anderson, Gene Lay Inst. of Immunol. and Inflammation, Brigham & Women’s Hosp., Harvard Med. Sch., USA
- Mary Philip, Vanderbilt Univ. Sch. of Med., USA
- Niroshana Anandasabapathy, Weill Cornell Med., USA, PD-1 and T cell specification
- Ana C. Anderson, Gene Lay Inst. of Immunol. and Inflammation, Brigham & Women’s Hosp.; Harvard Med. Sch., USA, Dynamic analyses reveal novel pathways that shape T cell differentiation during tumor progression
- Mary Philip, Vanderbilt Univ. Sch. of Med., USA, Early CD8+ T cell fate commitment in cancer and infection
- Stefani Spranger, Koch Inst. for Integrative Cancer Res., MIT, USA, Not all T cell responses are equal: The role of dendritic cells in shaping anti-tumor immunity
- Ben Youngblood, St. Jude Children’s Res. Med. Hosp., USA, Reverse translation of patient-identified epigenetic regulators limiting durable tumor immunotherapy