Career Development Sessions
Monday, May 5 | 7:00 – 9:00 | Room 316B
Immunology Teaching Interest Group: Enhancing Your Immunology Teaching
Sponsored by the AAI Education Committee
Are you looking for new ideas or strategies to enliven and improve your teaching? If so, please join us for this special interest group which will focus on strategies that instructors can use to successfully convey immunology concepts to students at the undergraduate and graduate level. The session will explore teaching strategies through talks and structured breakout discussion groups. Current educators, new faculty, and trainees with an interest in teaching are welcome.
- Melanie R. Gubbels Bupp, Randolph-Macon Col., USA
- Jasty Singh, Univ. of Toronto, CAN
- Nicholas A. Pullen, Univ. of Northern Colorado, USA, Establishing AAI-recommended immunology content guidelines for medical education in the USA
- Matthew Woolard, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, Using AI software to enhance games to teach immunology to medical students
- Elizabeth Delery, Marian Univ. Wood Col. of Osteopathic Med., USA, Tools for teaching immunology: using DrawItToKnowIt in graduate and medical education
- John K. Cusick, California Northstate Univ., USA,Using popular media to introduce immunology to students
- Jennifer Manilay, Univ. of California, Merced, USA, Innovative approaches in teaching developmental immunology: integrating inclusive practices, group work, and AI tools
Breakout Session Leaders:
- Amanda M. Burkhardt, Univ. of Southern California, USA, Stay CALM and research on: teaching human subjects and laboratory research to undergraduates through fully independent projects
- Maurizio Costabile, Univ. of Southern Australia, AUS, Simulations as a tool for advancing undergraduate immunology student laboratory education
- Shannon Z. Jones, Univ. of Richmond, USA, Immunology education fueled by social justice: Asthma Alley
Monday, May 5 | 9:15 – 10:30 | Room 316B
Unlocking the Future of Medical Immunology: Revealing and Refining Learning Objectives
Sponsored by the AAI Education Committee
The AAI Medical Immunology Curriculum Task Force was established to develop recommendations for the immunology content taught in U.S. medical schools. The primary audience for this effort is the medical education community, with downstream effects on medical students throughout their pre-clinical and clinical training. This effort is driven by iterative, grassroots surveys of medical immunology educators. As of April 2024, faculty from all U.S. medical schools (both M.D. and D.O. programs) were invited to participate in the initial research survey. Approximately 30% of the invited participants responded, with 25% from D.O. programs and 75% from M.D. programs, which reflects the population distribution of these schools. This session will follow presentation of our initial findings, including the core content identified by the participating faculty, along with various demographic and opinion-based metrics, at the Immunology Teaching Interest Group. Based on these initial findings, the Task Force developed specific learning objectives (LOs) for each core area of content. A secondary survey focused on the refinement of the LOs will be distributed nationwide for feedback. During this session, we will present the LOs and solicit input from the audience to collaboratively advance this educational endeavor.
- Nicholas A. Pullen, Univ. of Northern Colorado, USA, AAI Education Committee Chair
- Aimee Pugh-Bernard, Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus, USA
Tuesday, May 6 | 8:30 – 10:30 | Ballroom A
Careers in Biotech: Panel Discussion and Networking
Sponsored by the AAI Education Committee
Many opportunities exist in industry for scientists with advanced degrees. There are positions in laboratory research, program management, business development, regulatory affairs, clinical trials oversight, medical liaison, and more. This panel features scientists employed in a variety of positions in industry discussing their career paths and the skills required for success in each. Following the panel discussion, enjoy casual conversation with the speakers and other scientists from industry at a networking reception.
- Kiyomi Komori, Uniquity Bio, USA
- Alan Maderazo, Vice President, Regulatory and Clinical Affairs, GenMark Diagnostics, USA
- Cherie Ng, Vice President, Research, Equillium, USA
- Katiria Soto Diaz, Postdoctoral Fellow, Genentech, USA
Monday, May 5 | 9:30 – 10:30 | Room 317AB
Interviewing for a Job
This session will be focused on tips and techniques to help you successfully navigate the interview process. Emphasis will be on how you can present yourself in the best possible light. You will also learn how to respond to unexpected questions. This session is open to anyone but is especially intended for student and postdoctoral attendees.
- Derek J. Haseltine, Hertz Fndn., USA
Sunday, May 4 | 8:00 – 9:00 | Room 316B
How to Have a Successful Postdoctoral Experience
A postdoctoral fellowship is the time to develop research skills you will need to succeed as an independent scientist. It is, however, just as important to realize that you need to prepare for a career path at the same time. This session will highlight ways of getting the most out of your postdoctoral fellowship, relating successfully with your mentor, and understanding how to use the resources available to you to ensure that your training prepares you adequately for a seamless transition into the next phase of your career
- Vipul Sharma, Univ. of Chicago, USA
Sunday, May 4 | 9:30 – 10:30 | Room 316B
How to Convert Your CV into a Résumé
For anyone seeking a job outside of academe, how you present yourself on paper is critical. A well-prepared résumé can make all the difference in securing that interview. The focus of this session will be on the important elements of a résumé, the differences between a résumé and the standard academic curriculum vitae, and the information needed to make a good impression. In this special career development session, attendees will be instructed in how to transform their CVs into professional résumés. Small breakout sessions for individual consulting will follow. Bring your CV!
- Derek J. Haseltine, Hertz Fndn., USA