Abstract Submission
Opens: October 1, 2024
Closes: November 19, 2024
Members: $0
Nonmembers: $140
Abstract Submission
Opens: January 7, 2025
Closes: January 21, 2025
Members: $110
Nonmembers: $175
Late-Breaking Abstract Submission
Key Dates:
- Abstract submission opens: Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
- Abstract submission closes: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 11:59 PM ET.
- Last day to edit late-breaking abstract submissions: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 11:59 PM ET.
- Abstract notifications sent to submitting Authors (only): By March 8, 2025.
- Deadline for Presenting Author to respond to abstract notifications: March 28, 2025.
- Deadline to change Presenting Author: March 28, 2025.
Key Points:
- By default, when you submit an abstract, the submitting author is also the first author and the presenting author. Once invitations to present are received, if the presenting author needs to be changed, please contact After March 28, 2025, the presenting author cannot be changed.
- Late-breaking abstract submissions are only considered for poster presentations.
- Submitting an abstract does not register you for the meeting. That is a separate process.
- You can view submission categories on our website.
- Late Breaking Abstract Submission Fees:
- AAI Members: $110
- Nonmembers: $175
- Submission fees are non-refundable.
- Join AAI as a member before starting your submission and you will have immediate access to the member submission fee.
- For technical support, please email, Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM ET.
How to Submit a Late-Breaking Abstract
You can submit an abstract through our abstract submission platform. Please review the information on the page and then click on the “Start” button.
Find Your Record
AAI Members
Enter your email address and AAI User ID and click the “Search” button (forgotten your AAI User ID?).
NOTE: If you see the “Oops. Record Not Found” page, but you do hold a current membership (must be valid through December 31, 2024), click on the “Go Back and Fix Error(s)” button and try again. If you still are unable to retrieve your record, please contact AAI Meetings for help.
Non-members must join AAI as a member prior to beginning the submission process, if they wish to get access to the free abstract submission fee. AAI membership also includes additional benefits such as discounted IMMUNOLOGY2025™ registration fees.
You can still submit as an expired member/non-member by entering your email to confirm that you don’t have a current record. Please leave the AAI User ID field blank. You will see the “Oops. Record Not Found” message. Click the “Start” button on this page to begin a submission as a non-member.
Author/Speaker Information
The Author/Speaker Information section asks you to enter information about the author/speaker. You can add co-authors during the review stage of the submission process.
Your first name, last name, email, and author role type will auto-populate if you are a AAI member. You can’t make changes to these fields. Please contact AAI Meetings to make any changes.
If your primary institution does not come up when searching, enter the name of the institution in the Primary Institution (if not listed) field. Use the secondary institution fields if you want to include a second institution in your abstract.
Please leave the submitter box ticked under Author Role Type.
Abstract Information
The Abstract Information section allows you to provide details about your submission, including:
- Abstract title (200 characters, including spaces)
- Abstract description (1,500 characters, including spaces)
- Funding Sources
- Topic Category
- Presentation Preference (Poster or Poster and Podium)
- Trainee Type
- AAI Trainee members (graduate student or post-doctoral fellow only) are offered the option to be considered as a Major Symposium speaker. If you select that you would like to be considered, you will be asked for which Major Symposium you think your abstract would be most applicable. You may select as many as you believe your abstract would align with.
- Travel Awards
- Keywords to help make your abstract searchable by topic.
You can stop and finish/edit your abstract later by using the “Save and Edit Later” button. We will send you an email with instructions for getting back into the system.
Disclosure and Responsibility Information
You will only see the “Disclosure and Responsibility Information” page on your first submission.
Submission Fee
The abstract submission fees are:
- $110 for members
- $175 for non-members.
The review page allows you to:
- Edit your information
- Edit your submission
- Add all co-authors
- Download a summary of your submission (“Print Preview”)
Submitters will enter payment information here. A receipt will be provided at the bottom of your confirmation email.
Abstract Finalized
Once you have completed your submission, you can exit or click on the “Submit another Abstract” link to start another submission. You can view or edit your submission in the Abstract Service Center. Your confirmation email includes your username and password. You can edit your submission until Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 11:59 PM ET.