Abstract submissions are now closed!
Beginning on January 7, 2025, AAI invites attendees to submit late breaking abstracts of unpublished, original research for presentation at IMMUNOLOGY2025™. This dynamic opportunity to showcase your research empowers you to connect, collaborate, advance your career, and access cutting-edge research.
What You Should Know
- Abstracts for IMMUNOLOGY2025™ are submitted across 26 topic categories. New topic categories this year include Neuroimmunology and Computational and Systems Immunology. Explore these topic categories to determine where your research best fits.
- Abstracts submitted during the late-breaking period are considered only for a poster presentation.
- All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by committees of experts in their respective areas and scheduled for presentation in Poster Sessions.
- Poster Sessions are unopposed and allow for 75-minute face-to-face discussions focused on your exciting research. Present your recent data to leading scientists in attendance.
Key Points
Please review the following important information as it relates to your IMMUNOLOGY2025™ abstract submission. We look forward to receiving your submission!
- By default, when you submit an abstract the submitting author is also the first and presenting author. Once invitations to present are received, if the presenting author needs to be changed, please contact meetings@aai.org. After March 28, 2025, the presenting author cannot be changed.
- All accepted late breaking abstracts for IMMUNOLOGY2025™ will be presented as a poster.
- You are required to register for IMMUNOLOGY2025™ to present your abstract. This process is separate from submitting an abstract.
- Abstract Invitations to Present notifications are sent to submitting Authors by March 8, 2025.
Please read the Abstract FAQ and Regular Abstract Submission Instructions for more information.